Sage Soundings

Sage Soundings – qualitative survey research to direct marketing or investor relations initiatives
Considering a new name for your company or product? Need to test a marketing initiative? Exploring new product or service extensions? About to take your company on the road to raise additional funding?

When you need to determine customer, investor, or employee perceptions of your organization, its products or services, Sage Soundings provide the answers. Quickly. Easily. Cost effectively. They’re qualitative – and quality – research in an abbreviated format.

Sage Soundings do not produce statistically significant results, but they do provide solid trends, identify key issues and provide the focused direction to ensure that your marketing or investor relations initiatives and planning are on target. And Sage Soundings work. Our clients are regularly astonished by the response rates and the results.

Sage Soundings come in two flavors – or in combination.
Soundings are always introduced to the target audience by a letter or email from you and your organization stating the purpose of the research and the importance of the individual’s participation. The most cost-effective Soundings are Web-based. If email addresses are unavailable or if demographics/psychographics dictate, phone Soundings are in order. In many cases, we conduct a hybrid of the two. In all cases, participants are promised anonymity and confidentiality, which ensures complete candor and higher response rates.

The final steps
When the responses are in and tabulated, we develop a summary of the results and recommended directions suggested by the Soundings, and present the report to you and your team. You take it from there. Or we can assist in developing a plan or program – guided by the Soundings – that will meet your objectives.
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